Any New Books' 2010 Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated as it helps us improve our service to better meet your needs.


Overall how satisfied are you by Any New Books' service? *


What is the primary benefit that you receive from our service? *


If you have recommended Any New Books to someone else, how did you describe it?


What specific things do you like about our service? *


In your opinion, how can we improve Any New Books? *


We currently send one weekly email per category of your choice. If we were to add an option whereby you could receive only one email that included a list of links to posts containing the book selections instead, would you switch to it? *


Our focus is and will always be about books. However would you be interested in any of the following non-book categories? Select all the categories that you would consider subscribing to if they were available. *


We currently include up to 20 books per category each week. How do you feel about this number? *


Where do you buy your printed books from? Select all that apply. *


Where do you buy your ebooks from? *

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